вторник, 01 мая 2012
What's on the revengenda this evening?
What's on the revengenda this evening?
понедельник, 30 апреля 2012
What's on the revengenda this evening?
What's on the revengenda this evening?
(Song: Yeah Yeah Yeah - "Turn Into")
What's on the revengenda this evening?

Glamour's own Fashion Editor-at-Large Louise Roe sits down with Revenge star Ashley Madekwe. What did they talk about? Find out after the jump.
So, how on earth did I end up sitting down to interview Ashley for Glamour? Cue a really random turn of Twitter events. After recently getting a weeny bit obsessed with the show, I found myself sitting at the neighboring table to her at LA’s Chateau Marmont. I tweeted that I’d seen her later that night, someone else tweeted us into the same message, and hey presto, we got chatting.
As well as being a fellow Brit, she’s funny, sharp-as-a-tac, laughs easily and has impeccable style. The kind of wing-woman you want next to you on every shopping trip, bar stool and dance-floor.
So how does the is-she-isn’t-she evil sidekick in a drama, end up with better style than her on-screen best friend, leading lady Emily?
One answer might be Ashley’s genuine passion for all things style. She has an awesome fashion blog, Ring My Bell, which is well worth a scour.
“I started that ages ago," she says. "I get sent quite a lot of different pieces, which I’ll wear on there. I really enjoy it.”
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And now, the Glamour Quick-Fire Round...
Louise: Heels or flats?
Ashley: Heels
Louise: Platform or Stiletto?
Ashley: Can I have both?
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What's on the revengenda this evening?
воскресенье, 29 апреля 2012
What's on the revengenda this evening?

Spoiler Alert! Читать, если уже посмотрели хотя бы 15-й эпизод "Chaos"
Until he was 19 years old, Bowman was a professional rugby player in his native England. A shoulder injury forced his retirement from the game and a friend of his, who was an agent, suggested he try acting.
“I think it’s an incredible job. We get to travel. I could be a doctor, dentist, a lawyer and an assassin all in one year. It’s great. I’m never bored. I wouldn’t change it for anything,” he said.
Bowman, who dates VanCamp in real life, also had to get used to people being much more interested in his personal life. But he doesn’t read his press.
“It’s nice people are interested in the show and watch the show, but for me it’s just smoke and mirrors all of that,” he said. “It’s not something I pay attention to an awful lot. It’s all about the work.”
Now that “Revenge” has finished filming its inaugural season, Bowman is looking forward to visiting home during the show’s hiatus.
“I miss the culture, the banter, the rhythms of London — it’s different. It’s complete opposite to what’s over here,” he said. “I do sometimes miss the rain as well. I never thought I’d say that.”
What's on the revengenda this evening?
What's on the revengenda this evening?
On ABC’s Revenge, Gabriel Mann plays Nolan Ross (a millionaire tech genius.) In real life, Mann is one part devious Twitter overlord (aren’t you under his thrall?) and two parts an articulate charmer.
I had the chance to take a joyride in Mann’s mind for this Small Screen Scoop exclusive interview. Our talking destinations landed us in the realm a possible Revenge musical scenario, the reality of the abundant allure of the Emily/Nolan romance, and a note on going to happen to his hair before the curtain closes on the Revenge season one finale.

Small Screen Scoop (SSS): So, both you and Mike Kelley have referred to Nolan as the shows Greek Chorus. I doubt there would ever be Revenge: the Musical, but if there was – can you sing?
Gabriel Man (GM): I can sing, yes. And boy, I would be more than happy to do a musical episode of Revenge. I think it would be genius, now that you mention it. We had talked about at one point doing the no dialogue, only sideways glances episode of Revenge. It hasn’t happened yet, but we are gunning for it. So much of what really happens in the scenes is really revealed in looks and in the moment somebody turns away from somebody else, it’s never what it seems to be. We got a lot of pleasure out of imagining a whole show without dialogue – just giving each other the stink eye for an hour. So, I don’t know. Maybe that dream will come to fruition. Maybe not.
But now that you mention it, we can ditch the no-dialogue sсript and bring in the musical sсript. I’d be completely down for that.
We have… well, Emily (VanCamp) says she doesn’t sing. But you know what? Anything she sets her mind to do on this show, she has done, and done it flawlessly. So I have no doubt in my mind that if she set her sights on becoming the next American Idol, she could probably pull it off.
SSS: And who do you think you sound like when you sing?
GM: Hmmm. It depends what kind of mood I’m in.
I had done a movie a bunch of years back where I play a singer in a bar band, like up in Montana. And I was really fortunate to get to work with an extraordinary music producer named T-Bone Burnett, and he produced the songs that I got to sing. It’s actually me singing in the film – the movie’s called Don’t Come Knocking. He had directed a kind of singing performance out of me that when I finally heard it played back I would not necessarily even know that it was me singing.
So, that guy in that movie sounds like… hmm…I’m gonna make a really obscure, classic rock reference…a guy named Tim Hardin who most people don’t know, was a big influence to the music scene back in the 60′s/70′s… So, that’s not a very exciting reference, especially since no one knows who he is…. But I would say in that film I sound a little like Tim Hardin. There’s a melodic, kind of folky quality to my voice. But at the same time I can carry a big tune – so if you wanna go (sings) Brooooadwaaaay… I can throw a little Broadway out there. But, probably more toward a rock sound. An indie rock sound.
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I had the chance to take a joyride in Mann’s mind for this Small Screen Scoop exclusive interview. Our talking destinations landed us in the realm a possible Revenge musical scenario, the reality of the abundant allure of the Emily/Nolan romance, and a note on going to happen to his hair before the curtain closes on the Revenge season one finale.

Small Screen Scoop (SSS): So, both you and Mike Kelley have referred to Nolan as the shows Greek Chorus. I doubt there would ever be Revenge: the Musical, but if there was – can you sing?
Gabriel Man (GM): I can sing, yes. And boy, I would be more than happy to do a musical episode of Revenge. I think it would be genius, now that you mention it. We had talked about at one point doing the no dialogue, only sideways glances episode of Revenge. It hasn’t happened yet, but we are gunning for it. So much of what really happens in the scenes is really revealed in looks and in the moment somebody turns away from somebody else, it’s never what it seems to be. We got a lot of pleasure out of imagining a whole show without dialogue – just giving each other the stink eye for an hour. So, I don’t know. Maybe that dream will come to fruition. Maybe not.
But now that you mention it, we can ditch the no-dialogue sсript and bring in the musical sсript. I’d be completely down for that.
We have… well, Emily (VanCamp) says she doesn’t sing. But you know what? Anything she sets her mind to do on this show, she has done, and done it flawlessly. So I have no doubt in my mind that if she set her sights on becoming the next American Idol, she could probably pull it off.
SSS: And who do you think you sound like when you sing?
GM: Hmmm. It depends what kind of mood I’m in.
I had done a movie a bunch of years back where I play a singer in a bar band, like up in Montana. And I was really fortunate to get to work with an extraordinary music producer named T-Bone Burnett, and he produced the songs that I got to sing. It’s actually me singing in the film – the movie’s called Don’t Come Knocking. He had directed a kind of singing performance out of me that when I finally heard it played back I would not necessarily even know that it was me singing.
So, that guy in that movie sounds like… hmm…I’m gonna make a really obscure, classic rock reference…a guy named Tim Hardin who most people don’t know, was a big influence to the music scene back in the 60′s/70′s… So, that’s not a very exciting reference, especially since no one knows who he is…. But I would say in that film I sound a little like Tim Hardin. There’s a melodic, kind of folky quality to my voice. But at the same time I can carry a big tune – so if you wanna go (sings) Brooooadwaaaay… I can throw a little Broadway out there. But, probably more toward a rock sound. An indie rock sound.
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What's on the revengenda this evening?
What's on the revengenda this evening?
What's on the revengenda this evening?
суббота, 28 апреля 2012
What's on the revengenda this evening?
Сообщество о сериале Revenge открыто!
What's on the revengenda this evening?
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+ все правила правила @дневников.
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среда, 25 апреля 2012
What's on the revengenda this evening?
Наши баннеры:

вторник, 24 апреля 2012
What's on the revengenda this evening?
1x01 - Pilot
1x02 - Trust

1x03 - Betrayal
1x04 - Duplicity

1x05 - Guilt
1x06 - Intrigue

1x07 - Charade
1x08 - Treachery
1x09 - Suspicion

1x10 - Loyalty
1x11 - Duress 
1x12 - Infamy
1x13 - Commitment
1x14 - Perception 
1x15 - Chaos
1x16 - Scandal
1x17 - Doubt 

1x03 - Betrayal

1x05 - Guilt

1x07 - Charade

1x10 - Loyalty

1x12 - Infamy

1x15 - Chaos

Комментарии к фото: www.kaitlinthomas.com/blog/2012/04/19/the-break...
What's on the revengenda this evening?
What's on the revengenda this evening?
понедельник, 23 апреля 2012
What's on the revengenda this evening?

Hello Everyone! My name is Adaeze, and I am your Celebrity Chit Chat Columnist. Here is my chat with the up and coming young actress, Emily Alyn Lind.
Adaeze: I understand that your first film was The Secret Life of Bees. What did it feel like working with great actresses like Queen Latifah and Dakota Fanning?
Emily: It was really cool because my mother showed me all of their movies. I am a big fan of Dakota Fanning. Queen Latifah, too, but huge fan of Dakota.
Adaeze: You also acted in the television soap opera All My Children, was your experience in The Secret Life of Bees similar to your experience in the soap opera or different?
Emily: It was a little different because, I mean, one was a movie and the other was a television show. It was also a different group of people. Everybody I have worked with has been so nice. That made it really sad leaving the set.
Adaeze: Who are some of your favorite actresses that you look up to?
Emily: I really look up to actresses like Elle Fanning, Dakota Fanning, and Meryl Streep.
Adaeze: What about school – do you go to regular school or are you home-schooled?
Emily: I am home schooled. I like being home schooled because I get to stay home with my sisters and my mom is our teacher. It’s actually really fun.
Adaeze: You won the National Youth Arts’ Award for your film, November Christmas where you played the role of Vanessa. What did it feel like winning?
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What's on the revengenda this evening?

Emily Alyn Lind was named one of the 10 Most Beautiful and Promising Up-and-Coming Child Actors on imdb.com. This 9-year-old has already established a very impressive resume! Her credits includes playing “Amanda Clarke” in the hit series “Revenge” and this past Christmas playing the voice of “Grace Goodwin” in Pixar’s “Prep & Landing: Naughty v. Nice.”
Emily also portrayed “Shirley Temple” in Oscar contender “J. Edgar,” and she completed a starring role as “Maggie Gyllenhaal’s” daughter in the feature film, “Learning to Fly.” Her Mom Barbara Alyn Woods and both of her sisters, Natalie and Aly are also actresses! Emily is a very busy tween! We asked Emily to share with us how she balances her life as a child star, charity work in the Make a Wish foundation and fun time!
How do you balance being a young actress? How do you fit in school, friends and fun time and what are your favorite things to do in your free time?
Well – I don’t have a lot of free time where I have absolutely nothing to do. My life is pretty full but I like it that way. I have friends who understand that I work a lot of the time. But when we get together, it’s extra special. I like having friends who are not in the business so we’re not always talking about auditions or working. My sisters are my best friends and we play together a lot – we like to make our own movies – we write them, act in them, direct them, edit them — it’s so much fun. I work a lot, but my Mom always makes sure that we have a lot of “kid” time too.
Currently you are working on the set of “Revenge”, can you tell us about your character and that experience?
I play “Amanda Clarke” who is the younger version of Emily Van Camp’s character. Sometimes we see Amanda having fun on the beach when she was a really happy little girl. But recently I’ve been given some juicy scenes where we get to see why Amanda is seeking revenge. Some of my scenes are pretty intense – I LOVE that!
The show is so much fun to work on. Emily and Madeline and the rest of the cast are really great. I feel lucky to be on such a good show and I love going to work every day.
We have a feature called “Tween’s Making a Difference” can you tell us about your charity work with “Make a Wish” foundation and are there any other charities you work on?
I started working with Make a Wish when I was in Halifax working on November Christmas where I played a little girl with cancer. I started to do a lot of research on how these kids live with illness and discovered Make a Wish. They make so many of these kids happy by granting their wishes – I wanted to be a part of it. Now I always collect money on any set and give it to Make a Wish. It makes me feel like I’m not just working for myself, but when I get a job, it’s for these kids too.
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