Записи с темой: МУЗыКА, МУЗыка, МУзыка, МуЗЫка, МузыкА, мУзыка, муЗыка, музыКа (6)
There is a fine line between self-control and self-abuse.
There is a fine line between self-control and self-abuse.
Интервью с товарищем, ответственным за музыку в сериале)

@темы: Видео, Музыка, Интервью, Другие фильмы

There is a fine line between self-control and self-abuse.
What's on the revengenda this evening?
02.06.2012 в 18:24
Пишет  yulinikka:

Revenge Music Season 1

"Pilot" | "Trust" | "Betrayal" | "Duplicity" | "Guilt" | "Intrigue" | "Charade" | "Treachery"

"Suspicion" | "Loyalty" | "Duress" | "Infamy" | "Commitment" | "Perception" | "Chaos"

"Scandal" | "Doubt" | "Justice" | "Legacy" | "Grief" | "Reckoning"

URL записи

@темы: Музыка

What's on the revengenda this evening?

(Song: Yeah Yeah Yeah - "Turn Into")

@темы: Видео, Музыка, Gabriel Mann/Nolan Ross

What's on the revengenda this evening?
The video features Nick Wechsler as the unlucky in love Jack Porter and plenty of memorable scenes from the series. And at the end, you’ll see if Jack finally gets the girl. Poor thing.

@темы: Видео, Музыка, Спойлеры, Nick Wechsler/Jack Porter