Hello Everyone! My name is Adaeze, and I am your Celebrity Chit Chat Columnist. Here is my chat with the up and coming young actress, Emily Alyn Lind.

Adaeze: I understand that your first film was The Secret Life of Bees. What did it feel like working with great actresses like Queen Latifah and Dakota Fanning?

: It was really cool because my mother showed me all of their movies. I am a big fan of Dakota Fanning. Queen Latifah, too, but huge fan of Dakota.

Adaeze: You also acted in the television soap opera All My Children, was your experience in The Secret Life of Bees similar to your experience in the soap opera or different?

Emily: It was a little different because, I mean, one was a movie and the other was a television show. It was also a different group of people. Everybody I have worked with has been so nice. That made it really sad leaving the set.

Adaeze: Who are some of your favorite actresses that you look up to?

: I really look up to actresses like Elle Fanning, Dakota Fanning, and Meryl Streep.

Adaeze: What about school – do you go to regular school or are you home-schooled?

: I am home schooled. I like being home schooled because I get to stay home with my sisters and my mom is our teacher. It’s actually really fun.

Adaeze: You won the National Youth Arts’ Award for your film, November Christmas where you played the role of Vanessa. What did it feel like winning?
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