What's on the revengenda this evening?

Spoiler Alert! Читать, если уже посмотрели хотя бы 15-й эпизод "Chaos"

Until he was 19 years old, Bowman was a professional rugby player in his native England. A shoulder injury forced his retirement from the game and a friend of his, who was an agent, suggested he try acting.
“I think it’s an incredible job. We get to travel. I could be a doctor, dentist, a lawyer and an assassin all in one year. It’s great. I’m never bored. I wouldn’t change it for anything,” he said.

Bowman, who dates VanCamp in real life, also had to get used to people being much more interested in his personal life. But he doesn’t read his press.
“It’s nice people are interested in the show and watch the show, but for me it’s just smoke and mirrors all of that,” he said. “It’s not something I pay attention to an awful lot. It’s all about the work.”

Now that “Revenge” has finished filming its inaugural season, Bowman is looking forward to visiting home during the show’s hiatus.
“I miss the culture, the banter, the rhythms of London — it’s different. It’s complete opposite to what’s over here,” he said. “I do sometimes miss the rain as well. I never thought I’d say that.”

@темы: Спойлеры, Joshua Bowman/Daniel Grayson, Интервью